Meetings of the Edinburgh Positive Money group will be held on:
- 2019: archived
- Wed 17 June, 20: Money myths
- Wed 21 July, 20: Paying ourselves to save the planet
- Wed 22 Sept, 20: UBI / Job Guarantee / Social Credit Dividend etc.
- Wed 20 Oct, 20: Proportional Representation / Central Bank Digital Currency
- Wed 18 Nov, 20: Barbarian history (JC Scott) / Scottish Currency
- 2020:
- Tues 15 Dec, 20: Various short topics + more on Scottish Currency
- Wed 13 Jan, 21: Social Credit / in memoriam Murray
- Wed 10 Feb, 21: Various short topics
- Tues 16 Mar, 21: Various short topics
- Tues 13 April, 21: Scottish currency options
- Tues 11 May, 21: Parallel currencies
- Wed 23 Jun, 21: The capital commons
- Wed 25 Aug, 21: The baby sitting coop
- Wed 06 Oct, 21: Earth vs. Economics
- Wed 24 Nov, 21: Social Credit / NHS funding
- Tues 21 Dec, 21: Money & Psychology / Climate Change
- 2021:
- Tues 27 Jan, 22: Scottish currency considerations
- 2022: Zoom meetings on a variety of topics once per month; two meetings in person.
- 2022:
- Wed 24 March, 23: Usury
- Wed 24 May, 23: Neo-classical economic theories / MMT and taxation
- Tues 20 June, 23: The Deposit Return Scheme as a complementary currency
- Wed 19 July, 23: Central Bank Digital Currencies
- Wed 23 Aug, 23: Safe and Just Earth system boundaries / Post MMT - thoughts on the Deficit Myth
- 2023:
Meetings are generally held on the third Tuesday or Wednesday of each month.
For details, and to be added to our mailing list, please: